
This is the tag for Technical Information

By darren, 15 January, 2025

The server transfer is complete at 0300 GMT, 2pm Sydney time on January 20, 2035.

It looks like the MK75's are taking their time to find the new server ip address and are sending their data to the old server still.  If your remote system is not working the quickest way to fix it would be to disconnect power momentarily from your MK75 as it will update the server address during boot.  Otherwise the DNS will time out eventually and the MK75's will start connecting to the new server.


By darren, 13 February, 2024

There are two versions of the MK75, the MK75 (regular version) and the MK75HV (high voltage version).

When looking at these two units they look the same as each other until they are powered on.

There are two ways to tell them apart..  Firstly the MK75HV will say MK75HV on the box that it is shipped in.  Secondly when powered on the regular MK75 will say "MKOVE MK75" at the top of the main screen and the MK75HV will say "MKOVE MK75HV" at the top of it's main screen.

By darren, 13 February, 2024

If you follow the instructions in the manual for connecting a MK75 to WiFi it normally just works.

You enter the SSID (network name) and password on the web page and press enter.  The MK75 restarts and connects to the network.  You can see that it has connected by going to the WiFi section in the settings where it shows that WiFi is in Station Mode.

Sometimes however this does not go so smoothly and this page is about what to do in this situation.